Service Category - Early Intervention & Therapies

Early Intervention & Therapies


This category includes speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and infant development programs.

Parent educational programs and groups led by therapists help parents learn techniques that families can use to work with their child at home, and promote their child’s development. 

If a child needs individual therapies, or behavioral health treatment services for the treatment of autism, and these are considered medically necessary, the Service Coordinator can guide the family in obtaining a prescription from their doctor, and obtaining these services through their private health insurance plan or through Medi-Cal. The regional center may assist families with funding to cover deductibles, co-insurance or co-payments for medically necessary therapies and treatments, when a private health insurance plan is providing coverage for such services, and the family qualifies based upon limited income.


Best Practices

Expectations for Early Intervention Services

This document describes Harbor Regional Center’s expectations for early intervention services. These expectations reflect what parents of children receiving these services, regional center staff, and service providers themselves have told us an early intervention service should be like. While realizing that many service providers do not currently meet these expectations, we anticipate that these providers will work in partnership with us in the coming years to achieve them.


Service Provider Forms

Parental Verification of Receipt of Services

Section 4681.31 of the Welfare and Institutions Code requires any vendor who provides  services as specified below to submit verification to the regional center for services provided to individuals who are under 18 years of age and residing in the family home.

The Department of Developmental Services has developed a standard form for vendors to complete and provide to the family for signature.