What is HCBS?
Everyone benefits when people with disabilities are a part of the
fabric of our communities, not locked away in the archaic
institutions. Institutions are large, often crowded places that
limit people and their choices and force them to live segregated
lives away from their family and friends without access to the
supports needed to live in their own homes and
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are
provided many services because of the Lanterman Act. Many
services people receive are paid for with state and federal money
from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS). Therefore, California must comply with what is called the
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final
Rule. This rule sets requirements for HCBS settings,
which are places where people live or receive services. Each
state has until March 2023 to help providers comply with the
HCBS Final Rule