


Community Resource Development Plan

In 2017, the Lanterman Act was amended to allow the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to provide funding for Regional Centers to develop resources to address unmet needs in their community with certain guidelines (WIC Sections 4418.25  & 4679).



Responding to Your Concerns When We Disagree

We are committed to building strong partnerships with individuals served and their families. Our goal is to be responsive to each individual’s unique needs and to clearly communicate options for the individuals we serve and their families. But despite our best efforts, there may be a time when the individual we serve or their family disagrees with a decision that was made. If this happens, individuals or families may ask us to review our decision to make sure that all information was considered.


Conflict of Interest

Harbor Regional Center believes that our Board and staff members should act as proper stewards of the taxpayer dollars and that their decisions should be free of improper influence that could adversely affect their judgment, objectivity, and loyalty to the regional center, the individuals we serve, or our mission.

View Conflict of Interest PolicyPolítica de conflictos de intereses

Approved June 2011



Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule

Compliance Reports

In accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 4519.2(b), each regional center shall post Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule compliance information on its website. 

August 23, 2024

View previous HCBS Final Rule compliance reports on DDS’ website.


Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Program Review

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) contracts with 21 private, non-profit corporations to operate regional centers, which are responsible under state law for coordinating, providing, arranging or purchasing all services needed for eligible individuals with developmental disabilities in California. All Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver services are provided through this system.


Purchase of Service (POS) Policies

Service Policies are developed & reviewed by the Harbor Regional Center Board Client Services Committee, which consists of board members, parents, people with developmental disabilities, and service providers. Many of these policies have been recently updated to reflect changes in recent years to the Lanterman Act.


Request For Proposal (RFP) Policy

From time to time, Harbor Regional Center uses funds provided under contract with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) for the purpose of financing “start-up” costs associated with the development of new community resources needed to meet client needs. The purpose of this policy is to specify the circumstances under which Harbor Regional Center will issue Requests for Proposals (“RFP”) in connection with the provision of such start-up funding.

View Harbor Regional Center’s Start-Up Funding Policy

Approved January 2011


Respite Tools

“Respite” means intermittent relief or rest from the additional demands that may be placed on a family caring for a son or daughter with a disability.

View Harbor Regional Center’s Respite Care Policy

Respite Assessment Guidelines
Respite Assessment Tool
Respite Assessment Tool_Spanish Version


Transparency and Public Information Policy

Harbor Regional Center is committed to assisting individuals served, their families, and service providers to be well-informed, active, and successful participants in the developmental disabilities service delivery system. We believe in openness, and in providing timely, accurate and comprehensive information to individuals receiving services, their families, service providers, board, staff, and the general public. This policy is established to promote transparency and accountability and to ensure timely access to public information.

View Transparency and Access to Public Information PolicyPolítica de transparencia y acceso a la información pública


Whistleblower Policy

Harbor Regional Center (HRC) requires members of the Board, officers, directors, employees, contractors, and service providers to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. This policy is established to ensure that HRC’s Board members, officers, employees, contractors, service providers, clients, families, and other key individuals can report good faith suspicion, concerns, or evidence of illegal unethical improper, or other inappropriate activity without fear of retaliation.

View Whistleblower Policy | Política de denuncia de irregularidades


Zero Tolerance Policy

Client Abuse or Neglect

Nothing is more important to Harbor Regional Center than the health, safety and security of all the individuals served by Harbor Regional Center. Harbor Regional Center has “zero tolerance” for client abuse or neglect.

View Zero Tolerance - Client Abuse or Neglect Policy


Approved September 2013


Website Privacy & Terms of Use

Updated: September 2023

Harbor Regional Center observes all state and federal laws for the protection of the privacy of individuals served by Harbor Regional Center and personal identifying information. The state law that is most relevant in this regard is the Lanterman Act. The federal law is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, usually known as HIPAA.