Service Providers

Service Providers for Harbor Regional Center


A directory of service providers associated with Harbor Regional Center, including names of service provider programs, the types of services they offer, and contact information is available here: Service Provider List 2024


Service Categories

 Services provided by our service providers fall into several service categories. Please keep in mind that the provision of services is determined on an individualized basis. Services must be identified as needed on the Individual Person-Centered Plan (IPP), and provided in accordance with Harbor Regional Center service policies, which are posted on our website.


Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

What is HCBS?

Everyone benefits when people with disabilities are a part of the fabric of our communities, not locked away in the archaic institutions. Institutions are large, often crowded places that limit people and their choices and force them to live segregated lives away from their family and friends without access to the supports needed to live in their own homes and communities.  


Statewide Provider Directory

In September 2024, DDS is launching an online statewide Provider Directory. The Provider Directory will be developed in phases, adding features over time that will be useful to our community.  The first phase begins with gathering information about all service providers and verifying that the information is accurate and categorized in the same way.  When fully implemented, the Provider Directory will help individuals with developmental disabilities and their families’ access information about regional center services.  


Becoming a Service Provider

Information for applicants interested in becoming a vendored service provider

Harbor Regional Center seeks out service providers who possess the valuable and essential experience, educational background, and critical skills necessary to offer a wide variety of services and supports.