Many times our clients or parents/family members ask us for information on the services that are available. We have developed this list to provide you with an overview of these services. Please keep in mind that services are determined on an individualized basis. Services must be identified as needed on the Individual Person-Centered Plan (IPP), and provided in accordance with Harbor Regional Center service policies, which are posted on our website.
Some services are provided by publicly-funded community agencies, such as school districts, Medi-Cal, etc., and some are funded by HRC, after we have met the requirement of exploring all other possible funding sources.
We know that you want to understand the variety of services available, so that you can be a well-informed participant in the service planning process. Here is a list of some of the services and supports that are commonly recommended for school-age children (3-22) and their families.
Download a PDF version of the full list of services