Harbor Regional Center Caseload Ratio
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has found the Harbor Regional Center (HRC) to be out of compliance with the requirements in Section 4640.6 © of the Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code. This section in the law requires that regional centers maintain service coordinator-to-persons served caseload ratios at or below specified averages.
HRC reported our caseload ratio data to the department on March 1, 2021.
- For clients enrolled in the Home and Community Based Services Waiver, a caseload ratio of 1:74 was reported (the caseload ratio required is 1:62).
- For clients that have moved to the community from a developmental center over 24 months ago, HRC reported a ratio of 1:74 (the caseload ratio required is 1:62).
- For clients over the age of 3, that are not enrolled on the Home and Community Based Services Waiver, HRC reported a ratio of 1:76 (the caseload ratio required is 1:66).
- HRC also reported a caseload ratio of 1:27 for clients with complex needs (the caseload ratio required is 1:25).
Section 4640.6 (f) of the W&I Code requires that a plan of correction be developed by a regional center that does not comply with the caseload ratio requirements for two consecutive reporting periods. The final plan will be developed following input from the State Council of Developmental Disabilities, local organizations representing persons served, family members, regional center employees, including recognized labor unions, service providers, and other interested parties.
Please read the draft caseload ratio plan of correction that I propose to send to DDS. Historically Harbor Regional Center has not received sufficient funds to meet the requirements in statute. Additionally, the COVID Pandemic has severely affected our ability to accurately predict caseload growth and hiring needs. In accordance with Section 4640.6 (f) of the W&I Code, your input is requested.
HRC Draft Caseload Ratios Plan 2021
If you would like to provide input, please submit via e-mail to Ratioinput@harborrc.org, or
via United States Postal Service (USPS) to:
Patrick Ruppe, Executive Director
Harbor Regional Center
21231 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503
To be considered, HRC must receive your input on or before Friday, August 27, 2021.
Patrick Ruppe Executive Director