Update: Rate Study Implementation
As of 3/25/2022
Harbor Regional Center (HRC) has been working in conjunction with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and the consultants HMA-Burns on updating rates based on the comprehensive vendor rate study conducted addressing the sustainability, quality, and transparency of community-based services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Harbor Regional Center’s primary role has been to provide information to DDS and HMA-Burns over the last few months, which included program information based on service codes that were separated into four (4) batches (please see link below). We conducted an extensive review of program designs and service agreements. If further information was required, we reached out directly to the service provider regarding the service code in question.
The timeline for the AB 136 Rate Adjustment Implementation is as follows:
April 1, 2022
- 25% of difference between March 31,2022 rate and applicable rate model
July 1, 2023
- 50% of difference between March 31,2022 rate and applicable rate model
July 1, 2025
- Full implementation of rate models with two payment
- Base rate equaling 90% of the rate model
- Quality incentive program component of up to 10% of the rate model
HRC will be sending service providers notification with updated rates, as applicable, to service providers in the coming weeks. Should you have specific questions related to your rate, please email ratessquestions@harborrc.org.
For additional resources, please click on the links below: