Jurnee Takes Off On Her Road to Employment


Jurnee Hicklen, while in her last year in the Adult Community Transition (ACT) program with Long Beach Unified School District, had a goal to get a job in child development after graduation. We were excited to hear that she has successfully obtained an internship with Bright Futures Learning Center as a Child Development Teacher’s Assistant.

As part of the job description she will be assisting the lead teacher to carry out age-appropriate lessons and activities, and engage with children one-on-one and in a group setting. During this internship, she will be working two days per week and earning $13.00 per hour, with a plan to add more days as she gains experience on the job.

Jurnee and her mom approached Bright Futures about an internship opportunity. Adam Neilson, Employment Coordinator at LBUSD, provided Jurnee with on the job support. HRC Service Coordinator Cynthia Montero assisted enrolling Jurnee in the Paid Internship Program (PIP), and secured ongoing supported employment services through ICAN.

Keep up the good work, Jurnee and the whole team!