Board Policies

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest

Approved June 2011

Harbor Regional Center believes that our Board and staff members should act as proper stewards of public funding and that their decisions should be free of improper influence that could adversely affect their judgment, objectivity, and loyalty to the regional center, the individuals we serve, or our mission.

Conflict of Interest Reporting Statements

The purpose of Conflict of Interest Reporting statement are to assist the regional center and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to identify any relationships, positions or circumstances that may create a conflict of interest between employees’ regional center duties and obligations, and any other financial interests and/or relationships that they may have. 

The following reports are posted in accordance with Title 17 §54533 (f).

Purchase of Service (POS) Policies

Purchase of Service (POS) Policies

Service Policies are developed and reviewed by the Harbor Regional Center Client Services Board Committee. This committee consists of board members, parents, people with developmental disabilities, and service providers. Many of these policies have been updated to reflect recent changes in the Lanterman Act. All service policies are submitted for review, approval, and adoption by Harbor Regional Center’s Board of Trustees and are approved by the Department of Developmental Services.