Harbor Regional Center is a private, non-profit that operates under contract with California’s Department of Developmental Services. We are a community-based organization that serves over 19,000 children and adults with developmental disabilities, developmental delays or who are at high risk for developmental disabilities who reside in the South Bay, Harbor, Long Beach, and southeast areas of Los Angeles County. We employ a diverse group of over 480 people.
For the past five decades, Harbor Regional Center has remained unwavering in our mission to serve our community.
Harbor Regional Center provides innovative and person-centered services, support, and information that empower people with developmental disabilities and their circles of support to live their best lives in their culturally diverse communities.
Harbor Regional Center
Board of Trustees
Adopted September 20, 2022
Harbor Regional Center envisions a world where people with developmental disabilities…
…live, learn, work, play and have meaningful relationships in their communities.
…are respected and empowered with early, consistent, culturally sensitive, and personalized services and supports.
…are informed knowledgeable partners, along with their circles of support, with Harbor Regional Center, and take joint responsibility in advocating for a thriving service delivery system.
…and their circles of support have the information, resources and assistance needed to help reach their highest potential at all stages of life.
Harbor Regional Center
Board of Trustees
Adopted September 20, 2022
In 1965, the California Legislature determined that the best way to provide community-based services to citizens with developmental disabilities and their families was through partnerships with local private sector organizations. These local organizations are known as regional centers.
The legislation that created the regional center system is called the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act. It is named after Mr. Frank Lanterman, a California legislator with vision who first conceived this unique and progressive government-private sector partnership. The Lanterman Act sets forth in detail the mandates under which regional centers operate. Read more about The Lanterman Act.
Harbor Regional Center is one of 21 such centers in California. Our center opened its doors in 1973 and served 397 individuals. We currently serve over 19,000 individuals. Our major source of funding is a combination of state and federal government programs and, we also receive funding for specific projects or purposes from foundations, businesses, and individuals.