

Regional centers provide a wide array of services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Harbor Regional Center provides diagnosis and assessment of eligibility, and helps plan, access, coordinate and monitor services and supports. Once eligibility is determined, most services and supports are free regardless of age or income; however, there are a few exceptions.

The Lanterman Act outlines the regulations and parameters around how regional centers can fund for services. Specifically, state law says that regional centers cannot pay for services for which another agency has responsibility. Many of these agencies are mandated and have a legal responsibility to fund for certain services and supports. These services and supports and the agencies that provide them are often referred to as “generic resources.” Some examples of generic resources include public schools, health care insurance (Medi-Cal, Medicare, or private), In-Home Supportive Services, Department of Rehabilitation, County Mental Health, County Behavioral Health services, and many more.

Person-Centered Services Planning

Planning for Your Child’s Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)

For infants and toddlers under age three (3), your Service Coordinator will work with you to develop an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) for your child. This process may occur through in-person, teleconference, and phone calls.

Your Service Coordinator may use person-centered planning tools when holding your IFSP meeting. These tools can help you identify what is important to you, your child, their needs, strengths, and goals. 

Planning for Your Individual Program Plan (IPP)

For children three (3) years of age and older, and adults, your Service Coordinator may use person-centered planning tools when holding your IPP meeting. With these tools, they can help you identify what is important to you, what you need to stay healthy and safe, and your goals for the future. 


There are several resources and tools to help you prepare for an IFSP or IPP meeting and make the best of your time with your Service Coordinator.

Statewide Lists of Services and Descriptions

The Department of Developmental Services’ (DDS) developed list of regional center services and descriptions. The list includes services commonly purchased by regional centers and descriptions for each service; however, the list is not fully inclusive of all regional center services and supports.

The posting of services and descriptions was mandated by Assembly Bill 959, and developed with input from regional center staff, the Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA) and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities. More information can be found on DDS’ website.