What kind of assistance can Participant Choice Specialists provide?
What kind of assistance can Participant Choice Specialists provide?
October 21, 2024
Participant Choice Specialists provide program support. However, a regional center may choose to use one position for accounting/administrative support for efficient implementation of SDP and other participant-directed service options.
Program support may include the following:
Expanding awareness of the SDP and other participant-directed service options. Providing information to self-advocates, families and regional center staff about all participant-directed service options;
Providing training to regional center staff, to include service coordinators and staff involved in the fair hearing process, as needed, about the SDP;
Leading efforts for the regional center to meet and track SDP enrollment targets and benchmarks;
Identifying and addressing concerns and barriers to enrollment and barriers;
Developing and implementing an outreach and training plan for diverse communities and obtaining input from stakeholders about the effectiveness of the outreach and training and other strategies.