Compliance Reports
In March 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) adopted updates to federal regulation regarding Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) to promote individualized services, person centered planning, and access to community life.
For the past few years, service providers have worked collaboratively with Harbor Regional Center to come into compliance with the HCBS Final Rule. In accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 4519.2(b), each regional center shall post Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule compliance information on its website. View previous HCBS Final Rule Compliance Reports on DDS’ website.
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) contracts with 21 private, non-profit corporations to operate regional centers, which are responsible under state law for coordinating, providing, arranging or purchasing all services needed for eligible individuals with developmental disabilities in California. All Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver services are provided through this system. It is the responsibility of DDS to ensure, with the oversight of the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), that the HCBS Waiver is implemented by regional centers in accordance with Medicaid statute and regulations.
Overview: In 2017, the Lanterman Act was amended to allow the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to provide funding for Regional Centers to develop resources to address unmet needs in their community with certain guidelines (WIC Sections 4418.25 & 4679). This is referred to as Community Resource Development Plan/Community Placement Plan (CRDP/CPP) funding.
Based on Harbor Regional Center’s community and stakeholder input, the following projects were identified, proposed to DDS, and have been approved for development as Harbor Regional Center Community Resource Development Plan/Community Placement Plan projects.
We invite you to view current Requests for Proposals for FY 2023-2024 here.
The development of an Adult Residential Facility for Persons with Special Healthcare Needs (ARFPSHN) that has been purchased, renovated, and owned by a Housing Development Organization, from whom the selected service provider will lease and develop to provide 24-hour medical/nursing care and intensive supports for up to four (4) individuals with medical support needs who are transitioning from various skilled nursing facilities. To best meet the specialized healthcare needs of the individuals residing in this home, it is highly preferred that the identified service provider (Licensee and/or Administrator) is a Licensed Registered Nurse.
The development of a day program to support individuals with behavioral support needs who are interested in competitive employment or self-employment. The program would implement the customized employment approach comprised of the strategic process of developing a professional relationship between an employee and employer that are personalized to meet the needs of both.
The development of a day program in or near the Wilmington area to support individuals with behavioral needs in developing the skills necessary to become employed.
The development of a day training and activity program where infants and their families are provided training individually and in groups for a day or less, and are provided an organized program of activity. These programs are designed to encourage the development and adjustment of the infants in their community and their homes, and to prepare the infants for entrance into classes of local schools or other appropriate facilities.
The development of a Level 4I Adult Residential Facility (ARF) that provides a safe living environment and the supports necessary for those individuals who have been involved in the criminal justice system who are transitioning from an institutional setting back into community living.