Locations and Hours

Get In Touch With Us After-Hours

If you are an individual served by Harbor Regional Center or a family needing urgent non-medical assistance after-hours, on weekends, or during holiday office closures, please call our main phone line at (310) 540-1711.

You will hear automated options for leaving a message for follow-up on the next business day, or to speak to an On-Call Manager.

California Relay Service (CRS)

Dial 711 to reach the California Relay Service (CRS). This service is available for everyone. If you have limitations in hearing or speaking, a specially-trained Communications Assistant can relay telephone conversations for all your calls. 

Communication Aids for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Community

We are continuously working to add and improve communication aids for those within our community. Harbor Regional Center has several assistive and communication aids to enhance communication with individuals in our community while you are visiting our offices, which include Go Talk 20s, Pocket Talkers, a UbiDuo, portable hearing loops, and a video phone. Let the receptionist know if one of these aids is needed while you are visiting our offices.


Harbor Regional Center facilities are accessible to and useable by disabled persons, including persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have other sensory needs. Our offices, meeting rooms, bathrooms, and public waiting areas are fully accessible. Our offices have off-street parking designated for disabled persons, curb cuts, and ramps around our buildings. 

We have diverse staff who speak various languages and can communicate using sign language. We utilize qualified language interpreters whenever necessary.